Create Free Greeting Cards Online with the Creatacard™ Card Maker

Explore the Creatacard™ card maker with our selection of free greeting cards!

Try Our Free Card Maker

Creating the perfect card is a breeze with our free card maker tool! You can easily tailor every aspect of your card to make it just right for any occasion. Make it stand out with personalization options like:

  • Photos or video
  • Message
  • Signature
  • Music
  • Envelope liner
  • Stamp
  • Confetti

With these features at your fingertips, you can create an extraordinary and meaningful card that will thrill your loved ones!

Write Your Own Personal Message

Our card templates are created by expert designers with artful looks, animation and embellishments like glitter and foil. In addition to your photos and video, you can add your own flair by writing a personal message. If you need to kick-start your creativity, check out our What to Write inspiration page for tips and ideas. You can type or copy and paste any message directly into the text box inside the free greeting card maker.

Create Free Printable Cards

On occasion, there’s something special about receiving a physical card. The tactile experience, personalized touch and the ability to display it as a keepsake are just a few reasons why some may prefer to print their cards. Our free printable cards offer all the benefits of a traditional greeting card, allowing you to create something tangible and heartfelt.

When you’re ready to print your card, the process is quick and simple. You can either print it at home using your printer and quality cardstock or opt for a professional print job at a local printer. For detailed instructions and troubleshooting tips, visit our FAQ page for guidance on making free printable greeting cards.

Send Free Greeting Cards Online

Sending a digital card is a fast and reliable way to make sure your greetings reach your loved ones on time. What’s even better? Digital cards come with a variety of interactive features such as animation, music and video, enhancing the recipient’s experience. For an added touch of thoughtfulness, you can even include a digital gift.

When it comes to delivering your free greeting card digitally, you have several convenient choices available. Opt for private email delivery, send it via text message for a quick and hassle-free experience or share it on social media to reach a broader audience. Our platform also offers the flexibility to schedule your card in advance, ensuring it arrives exactly when you want it to. Explore our digital card delivery today for on-time greetings tailored to your preferences.