Christmas Gift Ideas for Mom

Remember those amazing Christmas mornings of yesteryear — waking up before dawn to see your presents surrounding a sparkling tree? There’s a good chance a little elf named “Mom” had something to do with that magical experience. And now it’s your turn to sprinkle some magic on her season with an extra-special gift that she’s never gotten before.

We’ve created a Christmas Gift Guide for Mom that you won’t find anywhere else, so let’s get to browsing these bright ideas and give Mom something that she’ll fa-la-la-la-love.

Handwritten Bracelet

To remind your mom how much she’s loved every day in a beautiful and personal way, simply write out “I love you, Mom” and get it turned into a handwritten bracelet (available online). Or, for an even more creative touch, find her mother’s handwriting in an old card or letter (even a signature will be meaningful) and give your mom a one-of-a-kind keepsake.

Fingerprint Necklace

Hands down, the most unique gift from tiny tots because fingerprints are one of kind. Those little fingers won’t stay small forever and now is a great time to capture them on a charm, necklace or ring (available online). Great for new moms or grandchildren, many items can be made with several prints, each labeled with a child’s name.

Engraved Cutting Board

Celebrate all the meals, traditions and together-time you’ve shared by inscribing a personal note on a wooden cutting board for mom to use often or on special occasions. Most engravers can even copy your own handwriting!

Framed Photo

It's easier than ever to take a photo these days, but many photos never make it past cyberspace. A framed photo of the two of you speaks volumes. Write a short message on the back of the picture so she always remembers its special meaning.

Open When Cards

Think of a handful of moments for which she can open a card from you, or choose significant dates such as an anniversary or her birthday.

Here are some ideas:

  • Open when you’ve had tough day at work
  • Open on [insert date]
  • Open when you’re feeling down
  • Open on your birthday
  • Open when you could use a pep talk

Once you’ve chosen your “open when” moments, get a greeting card for each and write a message inside. Then label the envelopes accordingly.

Stack them up, neatly tie with a ribbon, and voila! — a considerate gift that keeps on giving.

Paw Print Ornaments

Can’t forget something from the fur babies for the holidays! Pick up a baby handprint kit (available at most craft and superstores) and capture your pet’s paw forever in an ornament labeled with his/her name.

A Favorite Book

Is she an avid reader? Most book lovers can never have enough books, and they love getting recommendations from other readers. If you've got an old favorite or one you can't stop thinking about, give her a copy. Write a note on the inside cover telling her why you think she would love it or why the book reminds you of her.

Another option is to gift her with a journal that perfectly reflects her style. Pair this with a scented candle and a Christmas card that encourages her to take time each day for self-reflection. She deserves it, after all.

Potted Herbs

In many places, Christmas is at the beginning of a long, cold winter season. Fresh herbs add color to a dreary kitchen and make tasty additions to cold-weather cooking. Add a cheeky art print some decorative planters to match the kitchen décor.

Memory and Gratitude Jar

For an inexpensive gift that will have a lasting impact, all you have to do is search your memory bank! Type or write a long list of positive memories, funny stories, compliments, words of gratitude, etc. and cut them into strips of paper to fill a lidded jar or, perhaps candy dish that reminds you of childhood that Mom can proudly display. Reading them again and again will never get old, especially as the years go by. This is also a great group gift from the whole family and can easily be contributed to across the miles!

Gift Card Rhyme

If gift cards are still best for your mom who loves to shop, give them in a creative way by buying several digital gift cards (perhaps in smaller amounts) and attaching them to a Christmas ecard with a creative message. Here’s one idea:

For the places that you drove me (gas card)…

For the meals you still make (grocery card)…

For the clothes and stuff (clothing or superstore card) you bought me…

Thank you, Mom. Now take a break! (coffee/book/restaurant card)

Now you have some great ideas of how to make this Mom’s Christmas both merry and memorable. After all those years of her pulling off holiday miracles, it must feel good for you to come up with something she’s never gotten before.

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