Anniversary Gift Guide - 14th Anniversary

Traditional 14th Anniversary Gift Ideas: Ivory

Modern 14th Anniversary Gift Ideas: Gold Jewelry

At 14 years of marriage, we don’t have to tell you that life is busy, busy, busy. With so many things to do every day, it might be easy to forget to stop and appreciate each other or carve time out to celebrate. That’s why ivory is such an appropriate gift for this year. Ivory comes from elephants…and elephants never forget! Plus, they’re such lovable animals, you really could have a lot of fun with this year’s gift (while still respecting that genuine ivory is endangered, so imitation is the way to go).

But first, just for fun, we checked to see if it’s really true that elephants have incredible memories. And, yep, it is! With their large brains, elephants are actually among the smartest in the animal kingdom, right up there with humans and dolphins. The females typically lead the herd, remembering where the food and water is. And those who have been domesticated remember their friends and enemies for decades. Feel free to show off this newfound knowledge when you give that elephant candleholder.

If you’d rather go with the modern gift of gold jewelry, you obviously have unlimited possibilities there. And with this anniversary’s flower, the dahlia, symbolizing the lasting bond or commitment between two people, you’d be spot-on for celebrating 14 years of marriage by putting some in an ivory-colored vase. Voila! A beautiful gift for remembering a beautiful day.


  • Imitation ivory frame with favorite photo or memorable wedding picture
  • Jewelry – imitation ivory bracelet or elephant charm, pendant, or key chain
  • Romantic dinner with live (or recorded) sounds of a pianist “tickling the ivories”


  • Adorable elephant mugs, book ends, or ring holder (ivory-colored a bonus!)
  • Plush toy elephant symbolizing the couple “adopted” one with your wildlife donation
  • Case of Ivory soap


Dahlia: lasting bond, commitment, elegance

  • Bouquet of dahlias in an ivory-colored vase
  • “Dahlia Divin” perfume by Givenchy
  • Gift membership to The American Dahlia Society

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