Anniversary Gift Guide - 17th Anniversary

Traditional 17th Anniversary Gift Ideas: Wine or Spirits

Modern 17th Anniversary Gift Ideas: Furniture

A toast to the happy couple — for 17 amazing years! It’s a lot of hard work to achieve 17 years of success, and this anniversary is all about enjoying the fruits of your labor, or, more specifically, the grapes. Yep, you guessed it — it’s wine (and spirits) time! Let the celebratory bottles start flowing in.

You probably don’t think you need gift suggestions to fit the drinking theme, but keep in mind there are a lot of options to go with your cocktails, from handy, ingenious gadgets to hilarious shirts, signs, towels (even socks), to sweet, unexpected surprises. (Wine gummy bears? Who knew?!) The only thing limiting the gift possibilities for this anniversary will be your budget. But if money is no option, then you can really splurge on the modern gift of furniture. Or, combine classic and trendy with a cool wine rack, preferably well-stocked.

If you weren’t super-excited about Anniversary #17 before, hopefully this has all whet your whistle. Add a vase filled with red carnations, which denote deep love and devotion, and the ambiance will be irresistible for a romantic, memorable, and fun celebration.

Cheers to the happy couple who, like a fine wine, only gets better with time!


  • Gift basket of favorite wine/spirits (bonus: add personalized wine/bar glasses)
  • Champagne or wine in a marble chiller
  • Weekend getaway to wine country (or at least the nicest wine bar in town)


  • Sangria dispenser filled with make-it-yourself ingredients
  • Personalized wine or beer labels
  • Mittens with built-in flask (perfect for sports or ski fans!)


Red Carnation: deep love, devotion, affection

  • Bouquet of red carnations wrapped in a love letter
  • Carnation bouquet in an ice bucket
  • DIY bouquet of wine/spirits bottles

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